Grow As We Go

040- Sexual Healing: How Crying During Sex Will Lead You To God

May 23, 2024 Samantha Charles Episode 40

Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss crying during sex and the healing power of release.

Crying during sex can lead you to God? Sure, if you’re willing to go deep into both experiences. Tears are the body’s language and expression of grief, which can come up during sex. For women, as we’ve mentioned, the yoni and the hips hold a lot of shame and loss. Sometimes, in certain conditions, those emotions bubble to the surface. The question then becomes, how does your partner hold space for those emotions? Do they freak out, not knowing what to do about the fear, tears, or anger? Or do they sit with you, caring for you, and loving you tenderly through them? Perhaps they even keep going, allowing the energy to flow between the two of you in a safe and healthy way. 

“Ok but, seeing God in sex? I thought that was where God isn’t?” Hell no. That’s the beauty of sexual energy is that it’s the creative source of all things. The breakthrough on the other side of learning to accept ALL the things that come up during sex is that the universe, source, God, is in you. 

Are you a creative being during sex? Do you surrender to all that is in you, moving that energy through  you with your hands, your partners hands, your breath, your movement, your pussy, your cock, your everything? This is how you see God. Open your eyes to all that is within, and source, universe, God will draw close to you. 

If you’d like to learn more about holding space, the energy around sex creating places where you can see God, or sexual energy in general , you’ve found the right podcast hosts. Contact us on Instagram to connect!

Listen Next:
Flowers, Bee, & Energies
Releasing Shame For Better Sex & More Freedom
Unspoken Sexpectations

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