Grow As We Go

039- Unspoken Sexpectations

May 16, 2024 Samantha Charles Episode 39

Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the expectations around sex born from a real moment between the two. It’s no secret that the dance of sexual arousal between partners is a learning experience. As relationships grow and change, very often the frequency, passion, and dynamics around sex become  vastly different than they were at the start. Why is that? The task of exploring more deeply the spoken and unspoken rules that each person in a relationship has come to assume around sex is one that can take a lot of effort. How do you manage disappointment around expectations? How does someone with a high drive discuss their actual needs with their partner? Does a high sex drive take exploration to further understand what’s the drive… and when might sex be used to cover up discomfort? 

This episode exposes both hosts any listeners to the nuanced world that is sex life. And you’ll thank the stars that this discussion comes with a side of laughter, deep vulnerability, and authenticity that will leave you satisfied… without expectation.

Listen Next:
People Pleasing: A Fancy Way To Say Self Abandoment
Ditching Shame for Better Sex & More Freedom

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