Grow As We Go

049- Surrender vs Giving Up: How to Surrender & Still Have Boundaries

July 25, 2024 Samantha Charles Episode 48

Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss surrendering and boundaries.

There's a subtle difference between choosing to surrender and giving up altogether.  Every choice that you make offers you the opportunity to accept the present moment as it is, or to resist it. In this choice lies the ability to be happy or to be miserable. In one decision, you leave the ability for the current experience to be exactly what it's supposed to be: an invitation into more consciousness and full acceptance of the present. In another, you give all power up and become victim of the circumstance you're in, thinking it can never be changed and telling a future story of how it's always going to be. 

Which of these sounds familiar to you? If it's the second one, you may be succumbing to giving up, rather than setting boundaries and accepting the reality of the moment. 

Certainly, no one gets to be walked all over. But you'll find the more that you surrender, the more powerful you become. Instead of always trying to be in control, you find yourself easily moving through life from this present moment, to this new present moment, to this new present moment, and on ad infinitum. 

What if you could shift your presence to this intentional kind? What would change for you? What could be possible when you surrender to what is instead of trying to make the future into what you think it is going to be?

012 - Limits of Love: A Practical Guide to Boundaries

Women like us are on a journey of liberation from the world’s constant desire for us to be small, quiet, & contained. What if the next step in that journey is to dance, sing, and create your way into reclaiming your Divinity, celebrating every part of you, and finding your voice? Join Stacey & I on October 3-7th for an all inclusive experience in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Learn more about the Reclamation Retreat HERE

I want to invite you to the Reclamation Retreat, in Sedona this October. This retreat is for women like us who are on a journey of liberation from the world’s constant desire for us to be small, quiet, & contained. We’re meant for so much more than glass cases in museums, we are the dancing, singing, creative souls meant to heal this world.

Each day of this retreat is designed to empower you on your journey within, intertwining the divine and the taboo don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate your body as the altar, reclaim your divinity, connect in sisterhood, and find your voice.

Join Stacey & I on October 3-7th for an all inclusive experience in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Check out the show notes for more information and to register as space is limited. We cannot wait to see you there!

Learn more about the Reclamation Retreat HERE

Thank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charles

Learn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HERE

If you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters!

We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy